Tribute to Feline Guardians Without Borders
We acknowledge Feline Guardians Without Borders as a significant source of inspiration for our organization. Their dedication to raising awareness about the Cat Torture Networks in China has had a profound impact on our mission, motivating us to inspire others to do the same. We encourage you to visit their website to learn more about their efforts in combating the Cat Torture Networks.
It is incredibly important that you all recognize the capability that everyone reading this has. We are all lucky enough to be able to use our voice, but others are not so lucky. Animals in particular are unable to voice the pain that they receive, it is our duty to be their advocate. It may be uncomfortable to see the injustice occur, however, keep in mind that ignoring an issue will not make it go away. If something has made you angry or sad, use that energy to make a difference. Do not underestimate the impact that you have. You have a voice. You have the ability to make a difference.